Saturday, June 17, 2006


I now present the Wal-Mart Awkward moment of the night:

Man standing in line, putting items onto counter. Yes, I'm at the 21 or less counter, and no, he doesn't have 20 or less items. ANYWAY, I say hello to him. No response back. This means that he doesn't really see ME. He sees a servant there to cater to his every need. So I ask him how he's doing tonight. I make sure that i'm looking right at him and at a good decibal level. He looks up and says, "what?" He said it in kind of a groggy tone of voice. I repeated my question to him to hear, "Oh, I'm doing fine and you?"He gives me this weird sort of look as if to say in the well known voice that everyone has been exposed to at one point or another, "How YOU doin'?" At least I have his attention now!! I tell him that I'm doing just fine. I give him a nice smile so that I don't ruin his whole Wal-Mart experience. He just stares at me and says, "Well you sure are lookin' fine.*prolonged look*" AWKWARD!! This guy was like......40s maybe? He was an African American gentleman who was not married, seemingly, and wasn't real attentive to others. Although, now he was being very attentive. ICKY!!! It's so weird to have a guy say that to you in a smooth criminal kind of way. I didn't like it at all. I just wanted to give him this weird look and say, "Whatever" with all the attitude that I could conjur. Instead, I just smiled and said, " well thank you sir." OH the self betrayal that is involved with public positions! So the guy is there forever because he seemed to have gotten every item i the store. He eventually ends up making comments about my hair too. I was ready for him to leave. He finally did. That's the good thing about Wal-Mart: they will always leave!!

TO clarify things: I don't have these wonderful Wal-Mart fantasies of a customer coming in and sweeping me off of my register and out the automatic doors on the winds of love,....but COME ON!!! Creepy men just aren't cool.

Oh, and here's a little tid bit of advice for you to follow: Never, I repeat, NEVER offer the money to the cashier to take, and then not give it to her!! I had a guy hand me the money, but he didn't let go of it. Apparently he thought he was pretty funny because he did it twice. Yeah, it's not funny!! So don't do it. I was tempted to do the same thing to him, but I know that I would have overdone the whole situation and probably get fired!! Be good to cashiers!!


Justin said...

is wal mart really that interesting? sure beats meijer. most interesting thing i ever did there was jump from the top of the fifteen foot storage shelf.

RC said...

i worked fast food for 3 years and never had anyone give me the money and not let horrible.

maybe that's because i was holding their hot fries in one hand and their cold drink was right beside me.


--RC of

The Female Wit said...
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The Female Wit said...

ha! yeah, there are some rude ones in fast food. I worked at a place for about 7 mths. before I went to school. One of the gross things about fast food is that I'd have women come in and pay for their food by bringing money out from their under garments. It was so disgusting!! That was one of the worst things for me.