Thursday, June 22, 2006

Who holds the key?

As I approached my truck to go to work this afternoon, I was stopped dead in my steps at the sight of my door. Apparently someone wanted to have some fun after dark and decided to key my truck. Yeah. I want to cry. There are slash marks right in the center of the driver's side door with the letters "Crip" under them. Then the nice fellow decided to go along the rest of my truck on the driver's side. They didn't do the passenger's side at all. I don't know if I'm supposed to report this to the police or what, but I'm planning on calling them tomorrow to see if there is anything that can be done. Needless to say, I'm shocked, crushed, and embarrassed. I've had this cloud of sadness looming over my head today as I went to face the Wal-Mart. I'll admit that I'm scared to look at my truck tomorrow. I didn't want to park it in the same place tonight, but I don't have any other choice. The truck was in my yard!! 10 ft. from my front door!! AAHHH!!

I did get to meet and talk with a couple of awesome Christian men tonight. One was an elderly gentleman and his son was helping him shop. They were just a fresh breath for me. To talk to someone who shares the fellowship in Christ makes me come alive, and I love it. It was just so relieving to look at the old man after we had talked, shake his hand, and say , "until we meet again!" It made my whole night!!

Oh, some random highlights at wal-mart have included:
1. Woman taking her hearing aid out and letting me see it.
2. Customer asking stupid question and me using all of my self control to not say "here's your sign"
3. A domestic dispute tonight!! Dear me!!

Concerning College: All of my credits transferred to NGC. I've gotten over half the tuition payed for in scholarships, and I'm working on registration. TO tell the truth, I'm really nervous. I've never seen the campus. I'll be starting all over much as I shouldn't go to bju this sem. , I at least know the system. But I know I need to leave, so I'll do what I have to do. God has a way of working things out. I love that.


steadybelieving said...

J-dog is on the way to unleash itallian stallion vengeance on the offending ones!!!!!
"Yo Adrian! I DID IT!!!"

The Female Wit said...

thanks J-dog! Just call me when you get into town and we'll go looking together!