Thursday, June 01, 2006

Harmonious Harmonica

Tonight at work there was a man who asked me how to pronounce my name. I told him "Lee-uh" and it sounded like he said,"Oh, that's a shame." I looked at him, alarmed, and said ,"What do you mean that's a shame!?" He looked surprised and said that he said it was a nice name. "OH!" I replied, relieved. All of the sudden I hear this harmonica music. I look up and see the man playing his harmonica. I don't even know where he got it from, but there it was. He went on to make up a song for me! It went something like this:

I'm standing here with Leah(Harmonica Notes)
I bought some dog food(Harmonica Notes)

That was about it, but it was enough to get me laughing hysterically! The man brightened up my entire night. He was and elderly, dirty looking fellow who was missing quite a few teeth, but he could play the harmonica! It was wonderful. The lady behind him had a nice talk about it with me after he left. She didn't see it coming either! lol

Tonight I saw three people I graduated with. One actually works at Wal-Mart. He used to work there in High School, but I thought he had moved on. I was corrected tonight. His name is Luke and it's kind of awkward because he had this huge crush on me in Middle School, and I liked him too. Nothing came of it because my daddy didn't let me have boyfriends in middle school....ha, like he does now?!...but it's one of those situations where you almost always feel embarassed when you see that person!! AAHH!! My middle school days are haunting me! I should write a harmonica song about it!


steadybelieving said...

Bad to the Bone style...

Luke the Wal-Mart-working middle school crush guy...(harmonica notes)
He's been dreamin' to meet up with Leah again...(harmonica notes)
And now his dream has come true...(harmonica notes)
But Leah, she be saying, "boo hoo.." (harmonica notes)
Oh, poor Luke the Wal-Mart-working middle school crush guy...(harmonica notes)

The Female Wit said...

LOL..Thanks SO much for that J-Dog Balboa. Now every time I look at him I'm going to laugh!!!