Friday, June 02, 2006

Water Park Fun!!

This is my little brother and his friend. My lil' bro is so cute because he's got these awesome Sponge Bob SquarePants teeth!! He's got a wonderful sense of humor and is a lot of fun. Today we really had a good time laughing about the harmonica man. Oh yeah! I love the water in the back ground of the picture. It's just a cool effect!

On a deeper level, I read some more of Josh MacDowell's book, "Evidence That Demands A Verdict," and I love it. I'm almost scared to read it because I know my faith isn't what I'd like it to be. I don't want this statement to be taken as in you can lose your salvation or that it's all based on your merit, but what if I'm looking at things completely wrong? Yes, the initial faith is there. I have evidence of Jesus at work in my life, but what if there is so much more that I'm missing out on!! I find myself thinking about Christ in an almost mythological manner, when He was indeed a real person in the history of this world! He was real and did real things. He isn't just someone who is imaginary, but the Bible is a historical document. I find myself usually viewing it as a self help book or just a map for life. I'm leaving out the intellectual aspect of Christianity.

At first I felt almost ashamed to think that humans would need an intellectual side of Christ, evidence if you will, to help us believe. But then we are humans!!! My mom reminded me of how God had to give Moses physical evidence that God would be with him. Already I find my faith challenged by this book!! I hope this all makes sense!

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