Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Do you ever find yourself thinking one way about God, sort of putting him in a box, and then someone/something comes along and gives you a new idea and shakes up your world? I am seeking God in some decisions, but what if I'm missing out on the way God wants me to seek his will. I hate asking for signs or bargaining with God.

I found out today that Cedarville is out of the question. I'm not going there. I don't even desire to go there anymore. That is a wonderful answer to prayer, and I find myself worrying though about the other options. I want to go to North Greenville in the fall. What if God shuts that door too? Am I missing the whole method in searching for God's will? Because God is sovereign, will it all turn out right anyway?

Oh Lord! I believe!!! Help my unbelief.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. -Heb.11:1

1 comment:

steadybelieving said...

Keep going, Leah...God's still good, right? You're still a child of Him, you're still blessed beyond most of the people in the world. Don't let "what ifs" swallow you me, I know how that feels. You're on my prayer list, Leah...hang in there!