Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bloody Pulp

Sad thing: My world now revolves and relates to only Wal-Mart.

Angry thing: 45-100 items in a 21 or LESS lane

Painful thing: Biting my tongue when a fully comprehensive person violates 21 items or less rule

Nasty thing: Literally gagging today because a customer had such a distinctly nasty odor permeating my air

Weird thing: Running into a guy who came into the store a few nights ago that was so high he was hitting on me and being sleezy and knowing that he has no recollection of me now that he is sober. It's like knowing someone's "dirty little secret" ha...

Happy thing: My mom is back home again! I have someone to laugh with. We are kindred spirits.

Embarrassing thing: Calling "Hello!" to someone by saying their first and last name. The thing is, I used the last name of their former husband rather than her current one. Oops!

Comforting thing: Knowing that I don't have to go to Wal-Mart to work until Thursday

God Thing: A customer made a comment about my looks today that had the potential to really make me upset and sad. All of the sudden I was thinking " I am fearfully and wonderfully made! So get over it!! " That was a blessing.

Shameful thing: Having conversations with others about their dogs that they absolutely adore and acting as if I felt the same way. All the while hiding the fact that I abhor most dogs and one's infatuation for their dog. Didn't want a riot on my hands!

This has been my day.


Gloamer said...

i love dogs!

glad for the blessings.

Justin said...

oh dear, did your embarassing thing result in any sort of awkward silence?

The Female Wit said...

It was a delayed awkward silence that took place in me. I yelled her name, and she looked and said hello. Then it hit me that I used her old name and I felt ashamed and didn't want to talk. So it came back to smack me!