Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Ever contemplate spiritual matters until you get completely confused about everything!! HA, then you have to start from the beginning(salvation) and move from there. I'm studying about Christian Liberty right now. It's very interesting. I'm also contemplating the idea that as a Christian, there are certain works that I'll do, but that doesn't mean that my salvation is dependant on works. with me? Salvation is by faith alone. So I try not to get into the mindset that if I'm more strict in my standards than anyone, I'll be more pleasing to the Lord. But the polar opposite of that is that we can be saved but do whatever we want and it doesn't matter. In thinking about the balance of associated works and forced works kind of confuses me. I think that because I'm a christian everything should just come to me. You know? I shouldn't have to make myself do anything. BUT then I remember that my flesh is in a raging war with my spirit. I have to remember that I need to be a REAL person and not just put on a "christian show" for all the lost world around me, but at the same time, works can be a sign of salvation. I'm not doctrinally confused, but sometimes when I try to figure it all out....I just have to sit down and realize that trying to analyze the Christian life/lifestyle is one of the most simply complex endeavors. It all makes sense when you remember the heart of why you are a Christian in the first place. Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us.

1 comment:

Justin said...

read romans again and think of chapter 7 as pre-conversion. the battle with the flesh is over my friend. believe it.