Friday, June 09, 2006


I cannot explain how I made it through work tonight. I guess that's how grace works. It just happens. You just make it. Before I left for work, I was on the brink of tears. I was afraid that if a customer said the right combo of words, I'd lose composure and cry as I attempt to bag their items. But God got me through it all today. I cannot think of one rude customer that I had to deal with all day. Not one. I was able to face the day with grace and even Joy. I can't seem to figure God out!! I know we aren't supposed to figure God out. I mean, He's GOD!! Often times I try to analyze how a christian's life and feelings should be. I find myself trying to put Christians into a certain mold. If I feel sad, than surely I'm wrong because Christians can't be sad...they are Christians! It's so stupid, and I don't know why that's a problem for me. Either way, I can't figure God out.

Maybe it's 'cause I'm not supposed to.



Gloamer said...

God... entirely unfigure-outable but entirely predictable... He'll always be faithful to His bride.

The Female Wit said...

Why are we always so surprised when the Lord does answer concerns and prayers? I had needed some money recently. I had mentioned it to the Lord in my thoughts and through a prayer, but that was it. My grandfather wrote me a check randomly for 100.00. It was an answer to prayer. I felt ashamed because I was surprised that God cared even for the small financial needs that could have been lived with.