Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Day Off!

I had the day off from Wally World, and I did absolutely nothing productive at all!! I slept until after 1, then sat around the house, played w/ my lil' brother's hair, got gas in my truck and watched a movie. Isn't that just filled with adventure and excitement!? OH!! Here are pics of my lil' brother's new hairdo! IT was kind of a touchy subject because I have a Goth/unsaved brother who used to do his hair in spikes and all sorts of horrible things. All while I was doing my lil' brothers hair, I told him that Christians shouldn't wear their hair out like this because it doesn't represent anything good! SO I did tie in a moral lesson!! : ) It was just for fun!!

I don't really have any new Wal-Mart adventures to report. I get the occasional sleeze bucket that i have to shut down with stinging rhetoric, but none are worthy enough to put in this blog. They are only worthy enough to forget.

BUT I do have some really good news! Cedarville will not work out. It is a good school, but not the best one for me seeing as how I'll acquire 20,000 in debt. per year of attendance. I was nervous that North Greenville College wouldn't go through. I called and asked. I have been accepted! I was really worried that I had applied too late to apply for the transfer scholarship. Turns out, they give that to you automatically after reviewing your transcript. I was very excited to hear about that! So I'm waiting to hear about my credits. That is the next hurdle of worry that I need to conquer. It's nice in that I'll still be near my friends, but it's scary too because I am still starting over in a place that I've never even seen. It's scary, but at the same time, I know that I'm not supposed to go to Bob Jones this year. The Lord used it immensly(spelling?) in my life this year, but I need to go somewhere else now. It's hard to explain without taking up tons of space. To kind of sum it up, I've never had any kind of experience in atmosphere like at bob jones. Not that it's bad, but it made me feel like I couldn't be me at all without getting in trouble. I met wonderful people, but I'm not happy there. I don't see a reason for me to choose bju over everywhere else. I need to see another school in order to figure out if I want to choose to go to Bob Jones. ANYWAY,...i feel like I just went in circles...but North Greenville is where I'll be in the fall, Lord willing.


steadybelieving said...

Sounds good, groundling. Where you gonna live when you goin' to NGC?

Justin said...

hey, know what you mean about the whole BJ thing-- i'm actually transferring out of there as well. they were good to me, but it's time to move on. have fun at NGC. there are lots of good people there.

The Female Wit said...

How long have you gone to BJ? Are you staying in the area to go to school?

Justin said...

i was at BJ for a year and a half. in the fall i'm going to eastern michigan university. very exciting, very scary. God's already there though.

The Female Wit said...

God be with you!! I totally understand about the exciting and scary thing! That's exactly how I feel about NGC, but the Lord has shown himself wonderful already and so I know it will be okay.