Sunday, June 04, 2006

Gone to Greenville She is, and other random comments

My mum went off to Greenville to visit with my brother and sister in law. She is there to be a help and loving supporter to my sister in law while things are up in the air about their new baby. His name is Toby and he has been diagnosed with the most severe form of Spina Bifita. He is practically paralized from the waste down with no control of any excretory functions. He had a stint put into his head so that the fluid around his brain(not healthy) could drain and relieve the pressure that is being put on the spinal cord. He had a stint, but the pressure wasn't relieved from the spine. Tomorrow around 1:00 pm he is going to have another surgery to try and stop the spinal fluid from leaking out. He had a surgery immediately after he was born, and tomorrow will be his second. Praise the Lord his heart condition hasn't seemed to be any problem. Praise the Lord that Kari got through the labour okay and is doing well. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. For some reason the Lord has chosen to bless my family with this very precious child. While it is heartbreaking, it just goes to prove that His thoughts and ways are not our own! God is just and good. He'll do what is best and needed.

While my masha is being helpful, I'm the mama for a week(I just had a flashback from that old show called "Dinosaur" where this baby dinosaur would always say "Not the mama!" and hit his dad in the face with a pan...good times). So I'm busy doing laundry, cleaning, watching my lil' brother, and then going to work in the evenings. Hopefully it will be a good week! I'm pretty sure I scared this guy at work. His name is Matt and he accidentally threw my water bottle away when I was taking his spot at the register. I didn't realize it until a few minutes after it happened. So I saw him and was jokingly asking him about stealing my water and he didn't really know what to do. He apologized and said he'd buy me another one!! lol...I didn't want to freak him out. I just wanted to test out his sense of humor a bit. It's so fun to try to figure people out! It's like there is no way to never be surprised because everyone has something special to offer! I know that sounds super cheesy, but it's really true.

I saw "Take the Lead" starring Antonio Banderez tonight. I really enjoyed it! ANYTHING with him in it is very enjoyable!! : ) On the way home from T-town, the windows were down and it was just so peaceful. I felt so free! The weather was perfect, and I could have just fallen asleep under the blanket of sky and lost myself in its beauty. I love nights like this.

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