Thursday, June 15, 2006


Tonight at work, I was about to start on the items of a new customer. I told them hello, like usual, but was stopped short of breath when I looked up to smile at what I had THOUGHT to be a woman. This wouldn't have been a problem had I not said "How are you, LADIES?" Seeing this..."it" made me so confused! I couldn't tell seriously if it was a man or woman. It was taller than I, with a bigger build. It had middle length hair, no make up, and no defining chest features to help me out with the decision. I was nervous the whole time as I checked their items out. I kept looking at it to see if it was upset by my assumption of its sex. It showed no sign of anger. Then I heard it speak. It's voice sounded very feminine. I am persuaded that it indeed was a woman. I don't know her story, but I do know that she scared me half to death. There is nothing more embarrassing than mistaking a woman for a man or visa versa. I've done that before in the Drive-thru at my old job. All you have to go on is a voice, and sometimes even voices aren't very reliable!! What a scare!


Gloamer said...


The Female Wit said...

you can say that again!