Monday, August 21, 2006


I have chosen my topic for my first play analysis for Theatre History!! We had to do it over Midieval,Greek, or older Enlish drama. I am doing it over "The Second Sheperd's Play." I first read this play last year at BJU in my drama class. I really like it. I'm very excited!! Now I just have to pick a topic to write a 3,o00 word report about!?!?!? I also need to pick a topic to present a report to the class. It's supposed to be about 15 min. So yeah...Theatre history is def. interesting.

I have an hour to just be. This is nice. I have classes all day today. Espanol from 4-5:15 and then Music Appreciation from 6-8:45. Dear me. BUT i have picked out my two monologues to do in Acting class. This makes me happy!! I hope I picked good ones.

I have resolved to buy a Greenville Map.

Theatre auditions are tomorrow. Honestly, I'm not going into it expecting to get a part. I'm just not a great actor!? I think it's fun, but there are so many talented people here that I'll do well to just learn from watching. I'm kind of nervous, but mainly I just want to show Dr. Savidge and Mrs. Phillips that I'm willing to work hard to improve. I will be performing the same monologue that I auditioned for a scholarship for earlier this semester. I will be attempting to perform in Iambic Pentameter!! YAY...? Yes,..about that hour to myself!


Justin said...

wow, you're having fun in greenville. i didn't know that was possible. guess it's all in the setting huh? enjoy your semester, leah.

The Female Wit said...

In all honesty, I think I am enjoying it. There are pros and cons to everything, right? This school presents a whole new set of lessons, challenges, and even ministry opportunities. I got to talk to a girl the other day about salvation. She believes that you can give your salvation back to God and quit being a christian. It's wonderful to have a new ministry, but I'm lonely. It's hard starting over, as you know. It's a long journey, but God is good.