Monday, August 21, 2006


I longed for it to pour down rain tonight. It didn't. I wanted to stand in the rain and just release all of my worries for tomorrow. The Bible says "...sufficiant unto the day is the evil thereof." I got a bit overwhelmed today with physical and mental weariness. One day I will stand in the rain and enjoy it! What a beautiful release!!

Why is it that I can easily wish for rain, but at times it's easier to release to the rain rather than God? Sometimes I think God just feels, "Well LEah, you created your situation. Deal with it! Suck it up and go on." I think He wants us to be realistic like that, but for some reason I always leave out the other half where He'll let me crawl up in his lap and comfort me and tell me that everything is going to be okay.

1 comment:

Gloamer said...

ah... but it did rain Tues.
