Monday, August 14, 2006

Too good to mention

I wanted to post about what a good day yesterday was, but I was kind of scared that it would stop being so good if I mentioned it. Since yesterday is over, now I can talk about it.

My spirit was so hungry yesterday. I was so blessed in my devotions when I read about Job. I get so discouraged when a day goes by and I just can't seem to find God. And then I do what the last verse in Job 1 says. I "charge God foolishly." I ask God what he's thinking, and if He's really leading me or if it's all dependant on me because if it is I'm screwed! It was just a wonderful time. Then I went on to the service here on campus and was a bit disappointed. But the word of God was presented, and I did enjoy a few of the points.

Yesterday afternoon was full of various activities. I played some sand volleyball, rode in a hot air balloon, rode in a 1930 something convertible, went head first down this slip and slide thing set up on a hillside, and then went to the service. Now, I don't know anyone here, so I did these various events with strangers. That's a barrell of fun and all, but I was tired of it. I ended up going to the service alone, and I was just fine with it. It was outside. Praising God outside is a very personal thing for me. Back home I would go outside at night and sing praises to my God while looking at his beautiful starry night. Being outside and lifting my voice to the Lord envoked so much emotion. Then the preaching was just dead on. I loved it. There was no sugar coating of anything. The word of God was preached, and I soaked it up like a sponge. The funny part about the night last night was that a large, elderly man decided to get a little too full of the spirit during worship and ended up smacking his wife in the back of the head. Because of my miniscule maturity level, I laughed very much. I think I was the only one in the whole stadium to see it!! : ) It was great. I think maybe the Lord laughed too.

After the awesome service, there was an acoustic guitar concert put on by one of the music students here at school. Again, I was alone, but I was able to just enjoy every original aspect that this artist had decided to share with us at the concert. I loved allowing everything else to fade away and just enjoying his expression. This is why I like drama. yeah, it was def. a good day. No, I should say that it was a God day.

Today has been kind of nerve wrecking because school is about to start!!! I want it to start, but I'm nervous!! I'm just finishing up all of the details that I need to get worked out before I start classes. As much as I would love some fellowship with other believers, there is no reason for me not to have fellowship with my Father God.

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