Saturday, August 05, 2006

Cosmetology School and other Rambling

I'm restless tonight. I've gotten to the point where I'm just kind of sick w/ anxiety. Not so much that I'm dreading leaving home or anything truly worrisome, but the fact that I'm travelling into the unknown has subtlly taken residence in my stomache. Only three more days of this stage of it, and then I'll at least be there! YAY!! This post will be filled with wonderful things that should have been replaced with sleep!

HAHA...yeah. I have thought about going to cosmotology school before, but I don't really want to do it as a main profession. I got the opportunity to do my friend's hair for a wedding she was going to be attending. I enjoyed it. Of course along with the hair comes the make-up!! Sigh...good times.

My cat is psychotic. We've had a problem with her biting us and basically being on attack mode all the time. I think she's ADHD. She attacks for 15 minutes, sleep for awhile, and then She's right back to attack mode. By using deductive reasoning, we decided that the cat was starving. She won't eat dried cat food. She'll only eat something with Meat!! So in order to save our flesh, we went and bought her some canned food. Guess what? It's working so far!!

These are my friends at church. I'm the only regular college age girl that attends church regularly. It's funny how that works out sometimes. My old church was seriusly lacking males, but this one seems to have the opposite "problem" if you could call it that. I suppose it's nice for me! : ) They are all good guys. I'm the newbie in the group, so I've got to work hard to "be one of the guys." But growing up with 4 brothers is helpful at times! Okay...i'm rambling.

When the rambling is indeed time to retire.

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