Sunday, August 13, 2006


Enough with the dramtic "I don't know what to do with my life" posts! They are getting quite boring. This morning I woke up, looked directly 6 inches away from me to see a huge black deadly, poisonous spider looming in the crevice between my wall and my desk. It was waiting for the opportune moment to pounce on my face and suck the life right out of me!! NOT TODAY SPIDER!! After my initial shock and prolonged eye contact on the spider, I decided that I'd try to get a flip flop positioned just perfectly in order the smash the goo right out of him. I positioned the flip flop, but he caught on and dashed back into the darkness. OH NO SPIDER! I got my bug spray and sprayed so much of it in that crevice that I thought the corner of my desk might just dissolve. Then I stuck a pencil in the crevice and tried to get the lil' beast. Pretty sure I don't have a phobia of spiders or anything, but when they are some random black breed of arachnids that are populating my living space, gets personal. I'm scared that it will come back and get his revenge. ICK!

Not only do we have spiders, but I am currently treating 3 very inconveniently located ant bites. Yes, they found our trash can and came by the thousands. The bug spray made it's appearance again. They have also found their way into my bed. So of course, "don't let the bed bugs bite" really hits home as I wake up not knowing what new bites I'll have.

I got all of my clothes dried. What made them wet, you ask? My dad and I packed up my truck on the ONLY NIGHT that it decided to rain before I left Oklahoma. We didn't know it would rain, but the tarp was surrounding every opening that water could think to protrude through. APPARENTLY WE WERE WRONG. I get to SC two days later to find, as I unpack, that EVERY single article of clothing that I brought was damp or soaked with water. Some of my pctures were scarred for life, and I wanted to cry. I unpacked all of my clothes into the dryers instead of my drawers. EVERY PIECE OF CLOTHING!!! AAHHH!!

This is the way I live life. : ) But I love it. Is it scary/inconvenient at times? sure, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

This morning I read of Job's attitude in my devotions. This paragraph is taken from my devotional book: G. K. Chesterton, writing on the experience of Job, says, " But God comforts Job with indecipherable mystery, and for the first time Job is comforted. Eliphaz gives one answer, Job gives another answer, and the question still remains an open wound. God simply refuses to answer and somewhere the question is settled. Job flings at God one riddle, God flings back at Job a hundred riddles, and Job is at peace. He is comforted with conundrums." I loved this idea that we can have peace even in mystery. Selah.

1 comment:

Gloamer said...

"Unkindly has He kindly shown
That He was not my hope alone."

You should read Piper's "The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God." It's short, poetic, and increadible.

And that spider... you'd better watch out. It'll come when you least expect it. A big spider with a bad limp.