Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Pressure Pimple Pops

Okay, for some reason, the sickening alliteration represented in the title really appealed to me! : ) Today I talked to my advisor about whethere the dept. here has a performance track vs. a technical theatre track. I was worried about having to declare a certain area of expertice. I don't know what that area is yet, so ...yeah. The program here helps doesn't give you any pressure on what part to study. you study what you like, and then figure out what you are good at, and then choose which classes to take from there. There isn't a set course schedule that you absolutely have to adhere to. I was so excited about that!! Almost all of the pressure I was feeling just dissapated(spelling?) with that knowledge!! YAY!! I'm just here to learn theatre. I will live it, breathe it, build it, design it, speak it, and pay for it! I'm looking forward to this new adventure.

I've been given some excersises to help me pronounce my "S" sound better. It's just a bit too airy. So i'll be working on that for awhile. I'll also be working about 14 hours at least every week in the theatre program. I'm doubling my practicum load because I missed my freshman practicums last year. That means I'll be doing 6 hours of class work in theatre outside of class. I'll also be doing 8 more hours of work study every week. I'll def. be busy doing things! On top of these things, I'm going to be looking for a church home. Dr. Savidge and I had a wonderful talk today about the various levels of people spiritually. Bob Jones kids usually have been doctrinated out the wahzoo...if you will...and are pretty serious about their walk with the Lord. I'm speaking in general here. At NGC, you don't have the mainstream of kids that have grown up in regimented churches w/ absolute doctrines. They are still searching. So I'm wanting to find a balance in my church. I know I need that spiritual fellowship. I've already noticed how I long to just talk about God and scripture with the people here. IT's just different. So I'm using the word "So" so much that it's becoming frustrating to type. So I'm going to stop so that I can go to lunch. So that's it.

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