Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Road Trip

I leave tomorrow to embark on a very unknown journey. I'm scared to death!! When it comes to theatre, i have no confidence at all! I have a passion for it, but I don't have any significant training yet. I'm just nervous about learning it and all that goes with it, including my strengths and weaknesses. Here's what I keep coming back to:

I knew before College began that I wanted to pursue 1: music 2: theatre 3: interior/fashion design. I was more passionate about performing for people. Neither 1 nor 2 provide a luxurious living for most. BUT that's what I feel the Lord has for me. I'm going with 2 right now and praying that the Lord will direct my steps. I know he will because he promised to do so. I just need to pray for confidence right now. Although, the only confidence that I have is that He is with me. Maybe I'll find out that that's all i need?

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