Monday, August 07, 2006

$5 Reminder

Two stories diverged in a post. And I ....I chose them both*sinister laughter*!

Today a friend asked me to lunch. This was a good plan except for the fact that I'm broke until I start getting paid at school for work study. I told my mom that I was going to eat lunch at home and then meet my friend at the restaurant to just talk and sip on some water. She wouldn't hear of it and gave me the money. Money is tight right now, and I didn't want to take her money. I did take it though.
My friend and I arrive at the best Chinese place in town and are about to walk in when something caught my eye. As it turns out, I was walking between the right two cars because there was a $5 bill lying on the ground. I looked around to see if anyone was there, bent down to pick it up, and rejoiced! How awesome was that of the Lord to do? Did I stop in my car and pray that God would send money from Heaven and help me today? NO! BUt God did it anyway!! This is so comforting as I'm about to leave for school. I love how the Lord reminds me of his provision when all I can see is the lack of my own ability to provide. Praise the LORD!

After this wonderful happening, I was enjoying my favorite noodle, lo mein, in the restaurant. I had a big wad of noodles piled on my fork and was about to take a bite when something caught my eye. I looked at my fork to find a deep fried FLY gooped to the noodles. I just froze. It was unreal! I just stared at it, and then told my friend. Then we both froze, stared at the fly, looked at our plates, and then stared some more. I told the restaurant manager about it, and she apologized. I didn't make a huge fuss because these things happen. I don't know if I can say that they didn't want the flies in there...but I can't say that for sure! : ) It makes for a good story and a good time to stop eating!

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