Tuesday, August 22, 2006


auditions were tonight.

I went.

I audtioned.

I was not cast.

Is this a bad thing? Not necessarily. I'd love to be in a play where I would be able to be stretched in my abilities, but I'm kind of waiting for my big break, you know? Something to let me know that I have a flair for an area in theatre. I have no idea ,really. I like to be creative and original, and I love trying to make others feel what I'm feeling. I suppose those are good things. I'm not depressed because I know that God knows what I can handle and what is good for me, but maybe disappointed is the better word. I'm disappointed, but not in despair. The One Act plays have not put out their cast lists yet...so there is still a chance to be cast, but ...... prolly not.


Gloamer said...

was this for "The Seagull"?

steadybelieving said...

one play? patience, my groundling friend. I'll come see ya if yer in anything in the spring...which I'm sure ya will be.

The Female Wit said...

The audition was a bulk audition. It was for all fall productions, including "The Seagull."

J-Dog! We are not sure of anything, my friend! Thanks for your optimism, and I will certainly expect you to follow through with your promise to come and see me if I'm in a production! Ha, even if I just walk on and say, "ABANDON!!" : )