Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Ghetto Girl

For those privy to the Barbie girl song, I hope you appreciate this rendition to express how I feel tonight. If you have no idea what i'm talking about....good for you.

I'm a ghetto girl, in a ghetto world,
where bling bling is now the cool thing
you can KEY MY CAR
and even STEAL MY TIRE........(pronounced TAR.. This is how Oklahomans say Tire)

This song was spawned by the recent vandalism done to my poor truck. The song says car, but it's a truck. First it was keyed a few weeks back. It legibly has the word CRIP on it. Pretty sure I'm going to get shot soon. Maybe I should go and key the word Bloods on the other door of my truck in order to even out the odds.

Now, by taking the truck to a mechanic, we've discovered that one of my tires was STOLEN and the thief replaced it with an older, smaller tire. I knew the truck was driving rough at times, and it veered to the right very sharply when i let go of the wheel. I just thought the truck was old, you know? I thought maybe it just didn't drive very smoothly. I was SO mistaken. I never look at my tires, so I wouldn't have noticed!! I'm gonna be honest here: It's a bit troubling to have all of these things happening to my vehicle, but I was just thanking the Lord today as I realized all the possibilities that could have happened due to the bad tire. I'm so glad my dad took it in before I go to SC. I leave in exactly 7 days. whoa. *deep breaths*


steadybelieving said...

yikes, you are kind of a target, eh? go east young lady!

The Female Wit said...

I'm a'goin!!! : ) I can't wait to see everyone again!! J-dog, we have to meet up sometime. You can have a coffee and I'll have a dew. Capiche?!?

steadybelieving said...

yep yep. absolutely, we shall do it. i don't know if I'm going to G-ville this fall at all, but either way definitely in the spring, yo.

Gloamer said...

crip? That's almost funny in a purely 'gangsta' sort of way.

are you still going to north g-ville?

The Female Wit said...

Yes I am. I leave this Wednesday to arrive Thursday night, Aug. 10. We start school on the 16! I'm very excited, but have no idea what to expect.

Can you tell me more about this Veritas group? Barak has been filling me in a little bit. Do you go?

Gloamer said...

yeah I lead worship occasionally. Did you know Ben Porch at school? He's the same major as you just a year ahead I think. Anyway, he's switching to North G-ville too, you might run into him.

The Female Wit said...

Yeah, my advisor told me that he was coming. It'll be nice to see a familiar face.

Are you feeling any better?

Gloamer said...
