Thursday, August 31, 2006

Because He's God, not because it's $100!


my mom called me today and told me that a friend of ours handed her $100.00 for her to give to me. This woman who gave the money is just a kind hearted woman anyway, but the Lord has used her over and over again in my life to provide for me. When My mom told me, I cried. God is providing for me, and everything is going to be okay.

I can trust my God to take care of me. It's beyond parental trust now. This new aspect of trusting the Lord is scary and wonderful at the same time.

I'm not just happy because it's a good amount of money. It's the fact that God is leading people to provide for me. WOW. In Church on Sunday Night, the preacher was preaching on fully relying on God and depending on him for your needs. He also mentioned the fact that so often times we pray, get our prayer answered, and then go on to the next request. We don't stop and think, "wow, I have a God who cares enough to provide for me beyond what I could even ask for." So many times I've missed out on the character of God behind His giving. God forgive me for taking Him for granted!

1 comment:

Gloamer said...

hey I tagged you. Check my blue wall.