Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Remember When It Rained

It's storming outside right now. I love the rain and the wet earth smell that permeates the air. My mom and I just sat in front of our open kitchen window and took it all in. If it were not so late, I might just go outside and let it saturate me. I AM determined to one day dance/play in the rain like I did as a kid. Just to go outside and be lost in the rhythm of the rain. Ha, that sound like it could be a movie! "Rhythm of the Rain" starring Latiquah and Sha nay nay Jackson, J-dog Balboa, and J-diggidy la Blanco. Yes, I'm def. seeing some potential here! Enough of my dreams.

Tonight was the best night at work so far. Maybe it will all get better with time? I sure hope so. It makes me really appreciate the fact that I am able to go to college! Even though I've NO IDEA where I'm going to go in the Fall, I will go somewhere. At times it's a bit scary to feel so lost. Where does free will meet God's will? Where do they end? Is it justifiable to leave a school because you don't like the atmosphere, feel trapped, and are scared to be yourself? So many questions! I've just been praying for some clarity and communication from the Lord. Ps. 31 tells me to Be of good courage and He'll strengthen my heart! I'm trying.


steadybelieving said...

music video? i'm in.

j. dogg

The Female Wit said...

not music video, a Motion picture event! I'll contact some agents and get back to you!