Friday, May 19, 2006

I hope you had the time of your life

I cannot remember the actual title of the song by Green Day, but the chorus leads to the phrase " I hope you had the time of your life." This song was my senior class's song at graduation. It's fitting that I heard it this morning on the radio because I went to this year's graduation at my High School. I had some close friends graduating this year.

As I walked through the crowd that gathered from the masses of people all meeting in a colossal group of graduates and families, there was this sentimental, country(ick) song playing that actually fit the moment. What was the moment? The graduates had just completed the graduating part, and now it was over. So all the families and friends crowd together in a giant mass and they just Be! It was a moment when it seemed like nothing really mattered other than people. It was the kind of moment that you might imagine in a book. The whole town, generations past and future, was gathered at this graduation to share in this momentus occasion. There were no expectations, no demands, no pre-conceived notions of how the night should go. It was just free and real. I haven't felt that in a long time and tonight I truly enjoyed living in a small town. Not to sound too cheesy, but a small town always has a soft spot in my heart. Not that I'd really like to live in one in the future, but there are some very beautiful sides of people that are allowed to be seen in a small town. Tonight, it was like no one really saw me, and that was perfect! I got to share the moment.

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