Friday, May 26, 2006

Dain Bramage

What I thought would be a 2 hour Orientation turned into 9! There was oodles of paperwork, 4 videos to watch, and a computer teaching course to go through that includes 29 lessons and tests. I've accomplished 20 of them today. I just sat in front of a computer for hours on end!! Kind of like I'm doing now....aaahh!! I hate that! I didn't know anyone there, so even when I wanted to talk to someone, it didn't really go farther than, "So, how bout that Sam Walton!?" It was weird. My brain is tired, but when I got home I just had to play it all out on the piano. Dear me, what would I do without the outlet of music?!

Something that was nice about not knowing anyone is that the Lord just seemed to say to me,"I'm with you always! I'm not forsaking you. You are going to Wal-Mart, and I'm there holding your hand." It was a very wonderful feeling to be nervous, but know that my God and Saviour is right there with me. Hallelujah! What a Saviour!

Another praise is that the Lord gave me the ability to figure out how to make my video camera plug into my vcr, arrange all the settings, and record onto vhs what I recorded onto the camera!! That is a HUGE PRAISE!!! I'm technologically handicapped. I really am, but it's like it all just came together! Sigh. Hallelujah, what a saviour!!

I'm about to pass out from exhaustion. I'm out for the night.

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