Monday, May 15, 2006


Tonight I spoke with my dad about the summer job situation. I felt a bit stressed because there is a job available to me, my old job at a fast food place, but it comes with the benefits of sexual harassment and corrupt management. The job pays well, and I need a job. I didn't want to take it, but was battling with the decision to suck it up and take advantage of the opportunity, or turn it down and be done with it. I mentioned some of the things that occurred at work in previous months to my mother. I guess she told my dad about it and he gave me the no-go on the job. That is a huge burden lifted!

Life feels a bit surreal. I've just come from out of a "bubble" environment and was thrown in the mix of real life. I came home to find that my brother has a warrant out for his arrest due to an unpaid court fine! I finally got to see him today, but it was only for a few brief minutes. It's not safe for him in a small town. His life is a mess. It's almost as if he is surrounded so deeply by "mess" that he is even starting to see new mess as a way to escape. He cannot see the fact that he will be sadly disappointed when it's all said and done. He just needs to be saved! Satan has such a hold on his life. But I have to remember that God is stronger!
My grandfather has two doctor's appointments this week. He will have a CAT scan run, and hopefully this will tell us how much time he has left to live. He has recently been diagnosed with scerosis of the liver. I found out after I got home from college for the summer. He is a Christian though! Isn't it funny how we tend to believe that just because we are christians, we should feel no pain when something like this happens?

This summer I'm going to study the sovereignty of God. I'm very excited at what I might learn through this! Speaking of God's sovereignty, I'm going job hunting tomorrow! My right eye is red and irritated tonight. I really hope that i haven't contracted Pink Eye! Not that I'd let it stop me from job hunting, but I just didn't want to have to deal with oozing issues in front of prospective employers. It doesn't exactly strike one as appealing.

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