Monday, May 29, 2006

Feeling Poetic

Oh dear Sam Walton founder of Wal- Mart,
You, good sir, were quite brilliant and smart!
I do have a quarrel with the bagging system as of late,
What I'm about to mention is backed up with hate.
I check and I check and I check(beep beep beep)
and I bag and I bag and I bag(swish swish swish)
And what do I have to gain?
I posture that will now SAG(droop droop droop)!!

My finger tips are numb
due to the mindless bag seperating that is done.
Only two days have been on the clock,
And maybe I'm just in shock,
But one thing still remains true,
I greet them with a Smile and am sure to say "thank you!"


Gloamer said...

you must really like this poem...
you posted it twice and all that

The Female Wit said...

*sighs* J-dig, how bout you lose the attitude! I posted it, but then the screen didn't show it! I thought it didn't go through, so I posted it again. There you have it! And yes, I'm quite fond of the poem.