Thursday, May 25, 2006


My brother Joel is now homeless. He had to stay with us last night. He cannot live with us because of the way he is living. He's on my heart though. I'll give some exposition on the boy: He started his rebellion in High School and has never stopped. He's involved in drugs, illigitimate children, demon conjuring, Satanic influence, drinking, horrible music including things by Cradle of Filth<> I don't believe that my brother is saved. The other day I was asking him about where he stands concerning beliefs, and he replied that he stands for nothing. He used to claim salvation, but now he doesn't. The drama was kind of on hold for me as I was at school. Since I've been back at home, things just keep getting worse for my brother. The sad thing is this: church people don't want to hear/care about it. People that we went to church with when Joel first started going out on the deep end didn't even seem to care about Joel. They just wanted to hear about his situation. Why is secrecy so encouraged by the church? Why do people just want to hear about the "juicy" stuff but have no genuine concern within them!? People have problems. CHRISTIANS have problems!! We need support and encouragement. Unfortunately, it's not here. This needs to change if we are to survive this fallen world that we live in.


The Female Wit said...

We can't change it, but if we can help each other and encourage one another in life's endeavors and in the focusing on Christ and his mercies every morning, than maybe it wouldn't seem so hard? I know the church's main purpose is to evangelize, but have we left out the part about encouragement and love?

The Female Wit said...

Impertinence is refreshing. I read John 11, and I see what you mean, but then I also read Romans 12 and 1 Cor. 13. I can agree with you to say that evangelism may not be THE purpose of the church, but it is certainly one of them. When Paul writes to various churches, he encourages them in their own struggles, but also encourages them to be lights to the souls in darkness surrounding them. My question is a bit rhetorical in a sense. How can you fix a church to have a good balance of Love and evangelism? Like you mentioned, if they have a true sense of what love is, would that make evangelism come naturally? I think it would, but how do we fix that other than by doing what we know to be right and loving unconditionally? The answer is that we cannot. The church I attend now is just as you described. It has a very strong emphasis on evangelism. There is not very deep preaching, but always soul winning preaching. We have a sad lack of discipleship and growth in my church. So is it maybe that so few have grown enough to really pray for a love of others? Is it a wonderful ignorance that is plaguing our churches? A lack of desire for anything more than the surface level of pages(I like questions too)? It's a very interesting topic to discuss, and I've enjoyed talking with you about it. Truly loving others and seeking to pray for them and help them is something I need help with too.

The Female Wit said...

What a wonderful encouragement it has been to me in discussing this matter with you. Unfortunately, I feel that I cannot speak like that to most people I go to church with, but if I can be used by the Lord to give even a small yet different perspective on the christian life to others, than what a privelage I have been given! It hit me a few weeks ago that I don't even deserve the right to share Jesus Christ with others. Don't take my statement the wrong way. I don't mean it as an anti-witnessing campaign. But who am I to share such a beautiful saviour with anyone?! GRACE GRACE, GOD'S GRACE!