Monday, April 07, 2008

If you are looking for it

Tonight I was invited to a rehearsal of a friend getting ready for his recital at the end of this month. I sat there, and I watched as he became so enthralled by his story telling on the keyboard. He did such a nice job, and at the end, another piano major was there. The two talked about technique, phrasing, and memory. These are things that I know very little about in the piano world. My measely 6 years of lessons seems like a train wreck, when compared to the detailed teaching that NGU offers. Listening to the way they talked about the performace was so refreshing for me! I was intellectually hungry to hear about what they could pick out as mistakes to what seemed like a flawless performance. It made me think about the crafts of theatre and music. Both require much discipline and a complete outpouring of yourself into the art. As a music minor, I've been able to get a taste to see how extensive the music world is, but I wonder if anyone has any idea how extensive theatre is? Most people give way to the stereotypical, "Oh you are a theatre major? So... what exactly do you do? Whatever it is must be fun!" Theatre, much like music, tends to occupy your life inside and outside of the classroom, and it's the road I've chosen! Paul said to be all things to all people, and I really feel like theatre helps me to do that.

The choir concert is tomorrow. I'm almost excited. I think it will be a good thing to do, and I kind of wish my friends would come support me! Either way, there is so much joy represented in a lot of the songs we are singing. I can't even sing them in class without smiling! I think Dr. Combs, my director, thinks I'm just putting on a show all the time. He still calls me "Widow" after my role in the Taming of the Shrew last year!! Oh Daddy C!

I'm staying in South Carolina this summer. I'm scared of that. Today, I was at the theatre where I'll be employed this summer, and I got really excited about being there! I'm a little skeptical of them providing me 7 hours of work to do per day, but who knows! I'm doing a lot of online research and advertising. It's definitely something new, and I may come out with some pretty strong marketing skills. This is my first summer to be kind of... "on my own." It's a strange feeling to think that most of my friends are in this area of the country, and I can actually stay here and start to build some relationships! WHAT A CONCEPT!!! I actually get to go to a church regularly, since act 2 won't start up until the fall, and I may even go to a few churches! I hate looking for churches, but I desperately need the fellowship this summer. I don't know what God's going to do, but I'm looking for him to work in mighty ways. He already has! I'm staying at school for free, and I have a job that will help me learn about theatre. Now.. if I could only get a little more motivation to do my schoolwork......

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