Friday, April 04, 2008

God leads his dear children along

I had given up on this blog until another friend of mine decided to get one too. That made me think about all the life that I'd written about in the blog, and I decided that I needed to revisit those days and see how God has grown me and brought me along. He's not finished yet! I found out that I'm staying in Greenville this summer, and that scares me to death! I'm excited to be working in theatre because there are no opportunities for that back home. I keep doubting that God could use me to reach people in the theatre. This summer will be a huge growing experience, I know it.

Praise: God has supplied a place on campus for free, and He's allowed me to be able to take summer classes for free! God is good, and I know he'll see me through this. I remembered a song that we sing in choir says, "he who feeds the ravens will give his children bread." Amen! God will supply my needs this summer.

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