Thursday, October 19, 2006

I bought a new tooth brush today. See, I've been stricken with influenza since Monday of this week. Being the Germophobe that I am, I saw fit to buy a new tooth brush that wasn't slathered in the infectuous bacteria that stemmed from my sickness. So I'm there in Wal-Mart staring at the endless amount of toothbrushes, wondering which one I should get. Of course, I have grown up in the dentist's chair and have been accustomed to using Oral B. But I couldn't help thinking that if I got another brand of toothbrush, I would commit molar suicide! Then it hit me that it didn't really matter the brand! After this revelation, I focused my attention on the shapes and amounts of the bristles. Hmm... do i get the ones with the criss cross bristles that look like they will just rip my gums right off? What about the ones that are just flat straight across rather than having an indention in the middle!?!? AAAAAHHHHH!!! WHy don't my teeth just fall out and rot right now!?!?! THEN I notice that the bristles come in medium soft, soft, and extra soft!! Maybe I should just use rocks to scrape the plaque off instead!?!?! These were the thoughts as I stared blankly at the toothbrushes. FINALLY I picked a style of bristle. Now I just had to pick the right color of gripping rubber that is on the brush handle. Lame, I know. After this tiring process, it was time to leave. whew.


Gloamer said...

I like buying the pink barbie ones because no one else would dare to use it...

you'd understand if you grew up in a big family.

The Female Wit said...

Thanks for sharing that with me. lol...I didn't ever have the barbie ones. : )

I think I grew up in a family just as big as yours! I have 4 brothers, and there have been plenty of mix ups that result in new toothbrushes!