Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I'm going to Oklahoma tomorrow. My grandpa died last night. He had scerosis of the liver, and I knew he wouldn't last long, but I got "the phone call" last night. My parents are kind of tight on money, so I feel like I shouldn't be flying home, but at the same time I feel like I need to be there. I'm trying not to feel guilty about it because i know my dad wouldn't do it if we couldn't, but it's just one of those things you know? I think my grandpa was a christian. He knew the truth for sure, he just had some issues he was struggling with, like all of us. I'm kind of handling it okay right now, but it'll be rough when I get home. Please keep my family in your prayers, especially my aunt who is in India and won't be able to come back for this.

I know God's timing is perfect. I'm always astounded to see how God takes care of me even when I neglect him. It's fall break this weekend and I'm with a second family who is able to help me through this tough time. It all worked out the best way possible, and I couldn't have planned that. Anyway, it's another day in the life of me.

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