Sunday, October 01, 2006


I had a friend tell me that he couldn't be my friend anymore. First, he said that it wouldn't work because I live in Oklahoma and he lives in Houston. Well, He lives in Greenville now!! I said that I'm in Oklahoma twice a year and spend most of my time here. Then he said that he knew me too well to be my friend. "I know your dad and your brothers," was his excuse. He said that he doesn't like hanging out with me, but he likes me. He says, "Truthfully, being around you doesn't make my day. I don't go away thinking, Yay! I saw Leah today. It's just a , oh, there's Leah kinf of thing. Then he tells me not to take it personal and start having some girly cry fest over it. He tells me this in Wal-Mart btw. Previously to all of this, we were talking about church and meeting people. I'm having some issues with pushing my way into meeting others. He told me that he hopes I'm not depending on him to introduce me to friends at church and that I need to do it by myself.

I just stood there, paralyzed. I wanted to scream and cry, but I couldn't do it until i left Wal-Mart because as he left Wal-Mart, he looked at me and grinned, like he knew he tore me up. I don't know.. I lost it. See, He is in direct rebellion from the Lord. We've discussed it, but I didn't think that there was friction between us. We had a good 2 hr. conversation about life and God and where we are both at. I didn't suspect anything, but now it's like we have had a friend break-up and quite frankly, It tore me up tonight. I need help, please pray for me.

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