Monday, September 25, 2006

The ears

Don't you wish your rabbit ears were hott like mine? tee hee.... These ears took me forever!! Here's a praise: our dept. will be purchasing new sewing machines!! YAY!! I had to make these at a friend's house. They make me happy. Josh, if you say something discouraging about these ears, I think i'll cry.


Gloamer said...

they're... nice?

Gloamer said...

j/k. you'll have to understand, I'm just not into rabbits. Question: When are you guys doing the Seagull?

The Female Wit said...

It doesn't matter if you are "into rabbits" or not!! A friend loveth at ALL times..even if they aren't "into" something the other friend did!! OH J-diggidy, how you encourage me!(sarcasm)

Answer: November 15-17...same as Shrew, is it not?

steadybelieving said...

the ears are the best thing I've ever seen! ever.