Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dodging the issue

My grandpa is going to die soon, due to his scerosis. His condition got drastically worse today and we thought he'd go today. I keep pushing it out of my mind. I mean, I can deal with the fact that everyone will die. But it gets too painful to think about my grandpa being gone. I realized today that I haven't really faced the issue at all. I've been doing anything else to keep me busy. It's one of those things that you know you need to make yourself do, but you know it's going to hurt. Kind of like removing a splinter from your flesh. Please pray for me as I learn to let go and then let the Lord help me through this. This is alot harder than I wanted it to be.

Here are a few things that have been keeping me occupied:

Our new kitty!! I love the lil' goatee(i realized just now that i'm not sure how to spell that) under her mouth. My brother named her Bessie the man eating cow. We call her bessie for short. Yes, .... we picked her up from the animal shelter just a couple of days ago. She's a bi-polar cat...I love it! :)

Here is my new laptop! We got it off of E-bay and it actually works, Praise the Lord! The battery is going to need replacing before too long, but other than that, it's quite nice. Yeah, it makes me happy too.


Justin said...

shoulda got a mac... but congrats anyway. :)

The Female Wit said...

Okay guys...don't go and rain on my parade. My dad is a bit...eccentric on the laptop issue. He had to get this one, and I'll take it and love it!! So you can just stick that in your back pocket!

Yes, my grandpa is a believer.