Friday, July 21, 2006


I still haven't talked to or seen my brother. I realized that I'm not scared because of what I did. I did what I knew to be right, even though it was painful. I'm scared because I know that the way he views the act is not right. My brother holds grudges harder than anything, and I am just so scared that I've put a hitch in our relationship. I don't know.

My grandpa is getting worse. He was getting some fluid drained off of him the other day, when the doctors noticed that he seemed mentally confused. They asked him a series of questions, one of them being what year is it? He answered "1976." They admitted him into the hospital and found out that there is an excessive amount of amonia in his system because of the liver failure. My mom doesn't want him to be living alone anymore. He may end up living with us. My mom is praying that the Lord would just show his mercy to us and prevent my grandpa from getting so bad that we have to do everything, including chang diapers, for him. I have no idea how the Lord is going to work it out. My grandpa is a Christian, but I don't know if he'll make it to Christmas.

It just seems like everything is kind of falling apart here. I'm ready to leave and start school again. It is just starting to hurt to be at home. I know that the Lord is with me, and he is good. So I'll make it through this, it's just kind of hard. Thanks for your prayers thus far, and I'd appreciate them even still. pray for the Lord's mercy in dealing with my grandpa, please.

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