Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What to do?

I was at church on Sunday night. The church has communion every first Sunday of the month. I was fine with it, but it seems like every church does communion differently. I didn't know when to eat the bread. I was sitting there and they passed out the pieces of bread. I was praying and then looked around to see what everyone else was doing. I couldn't find any other pieces of bread next to anyone, so I decided that maybe I should go ahead and partake. JUST as soon as i did, I noticed that my friend next to me still had his. Then I saw other people still had theirs!! I felt so weird!! I didn't know what to do!! I mean, here I was taking the Lord's Supper, and I ate my bread early. NO ONE DARES TO EAT THEIR BREAD EARLY!! YOU JUST DON'T!! I almost felt guilty for it!? That's never happened before. SO as everyone ate their bread in unison, I sat there. When they passed the juice around, I drank it at the right time. Whew...It's one of those things that you never take lightly, you know? Communion is something that I believe SHOULD be taken seriously, and I really threw myself off by eating the bread. Dear me. It's one of those things that no one talks about. It's like I should start a support group.
"Hello, my name is Leah Thomas and I ate the bread too early."

I know this seems like nonsense, and I hope it doesn't come off as any kind of blasphemous. Early Bread Consumption: It happens.

1 comment:

Gloamer said...

hey, it's a love feast not some ritual.
Ritual's for religion.