Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Dress of Many Colors!

This is my new dress that I acquired from the costume dept. of North Greenville University. It is actually made by a real company, not home made. : ) I absolutely love it. It's like a satin-y type material and it's tie dyed! This dress makes me happy. Don't know where I'll wear it yet, but I can definitely see a bright future for this awesome creation! BTW, I didn't steal the dress. It was given to me by my supervisor because they were going to put it in a yard sale. YAY for free tie dye dresses!!!!

1 comment:

Gloamer said...

Hope your fellow classmates in the department don't grow bitter and jelous. They'd mugg you, shred and bloody the dress, and then sell you to a passing caravan of Bojo slave traders. Maybe then you could come save us from the famine over here that just won't go away.