Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Virginia Adventures, Part 1

I'm just now starting to recover from my crazy trip to Virginia. The trip up there was quick and easy, but then the REAL adventure began by immediately jumping into the busy, bustling world of a bride-to-be!

The week began with the arrival of family members that I had met long ago in Morris, Oklahoma. Aunt Carol and Uncle Bob came! I love Carol. She and I just hit it off so many years ago when we met, and we still had some strange likeness in our light hearted way of looking at situations. She was a joy to befriend again. The evening was lovely with a cookout and then a movie. It was a lil' awkward because they are all drinkers, and I am not. These are people that I grew up with, and so they knew me under some really strict guidelines that I was under w/ my parents. Now that I am an "adult" - don't tell my father- I think they expected my beliefs to be different now. It's a strange realization when you are faced with the idea that you are not just under your parents' standards, but your own. It was fun.

Throughout the whole trip, I was asked twice how much I had had to drink! I took so much joy in telling the enquiring one that I was just like that Sober! I didn't need alcohol to be crazy.

There were many errands to be run and plans to be made to accommodate the other arriving family members, the already there family members w/out vehicles, and the dog. Oh that dog! Unfortunately, I dislike dogs. The bride owns a Siberian Husky. ugh... that means that dog hair was all over EVERYTHING I owned. I eventually embraced it as much as I could. I mean, someone had to walk the dog and pick up it's poop. Who better to help out in this way than the Maid of Honor? I mean, let's think about this. Your whole family is here, and you are trying to show them your apartment and catch up, when all of the sudden your stupid dog needs to go for a walk!? How about the non-family member do it? It makes perfect sense, really. So Autumn and I became good friends. (said through gritted teeth of course)

enough for now...

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