Monday, September 25, 2006

The ears

Don't you wish your rabbit ears were hott like mine? tee hee.... These ears took me forever!! Here's a praise: our dept. will be purchasing new sewing machines!! YAY!! I had to make these at a friend's house. They make me happy. Josh, if you say something discouraging about these ears, I think i'll cry.

Give Up

I scared myself with my thoughts today. It was one of those "what if" days. What if I just quit. I hate looking for churches. I feel like my whole experience with church has helped me grow, but there is so much hurt that dictates the way I look at churches. I went and saw the traveling acting group from my school perform last night. They did a sketch about churches splitting and the attitudes associated with that. Oh boy did that stir up feelings that I didn't want to feel again. I cried. They portrayed a wonderful character of Jesus in another skit, where Jesus was right there with a girl, ready to listen if she'd just tell him. She didn't have the time. I cried. There were many other sketches, but honestly, the church splitting skit really messed with me. Here I am, 19 yrs. old, and I can't get over this. Five nasty church splits from ages 8-18. IT STILL HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It all regurgitates back into my heart when I start to look for a church to go to.I hate it. I hate not trusting "the church" anymore. Yeah yeah yeah, i know we trust GOD, not the church, but the body of believers has hurt me more than any unsaved person out there. I'm so tired of it. But I know me...yes i do. Once I start to let one area slip, it'll be a landslide and i'll lose myself. I hate feeling torn. I tried to look into the future today, and it scared me what could happen. I feel like my heart for church is gone, and that horrifies me.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


My first ever, truly made by scratch, sewn creation!! It was thrust upon me to make a carrot for the production of Winnie the Pooh this semester. So here it is! I am so excited to be presenting this picture to all of you. It just thrills my heart!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Hide Away

I didn't want to be looked at today. I just wanted to hide from the world and sleep as it passes me by. I wanted someone to see ME. No one did.

Hope is not lost...for Jesus sees the real me, and I'm beautiful in his eyes. When no one else sees me, He does. That may seem cliche and Sunday School-ish, but have you ever thought about that? Christ knows every intricate detail!! He knows all the jokes that you tell that you think are amazingly funny, he knows when you comment on something with hidden jest, he knows when you feel uncomfortable, he sees you when a word rips a piece of your heart, and he sees the real you, away from the on-lookers. AND HE STILL LOVES ME!!!!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Friday, September 15, 2006

The Lord has done some wonderful things this week. He totally took the reigns on a problem that I couldn't fix on my own. You know that speechless feeling that comes over you when you God does something like that? ...yeah

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Dress of Many Colors!

This is my new dress that I acquired from the costume dept. of North Greenville University. It is actually made by a real company, not home made. : ) I absolutely love it. It's like a satin-y type material and it's tie dyed! This dress makes me happy. Don't know where I'll wear it yet, but I can definitely see a bright future for this awesome creation! BTW, I didn't steal the dress. It was given to me by my supervisor because they were going to put it in a yard sale. YAY for free tie dye dresses!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What to do?

I was at church on Sunday night. The church has communion every first Sunday of the month. I was fine with it, but it seems like every church does communion differently. I didn't know when to eat the bread. I was sitting there and they passed out the pieces of bread. I was praying and then looked around to see what everyone else was doing. I couldn't find any other pieces of bread next to anyone, so I decided that maybe I should go ahead and partake. JUST as soon as i did, I noticed that my friend next to me still had his. Then I saw other people still had theirs!! I felt so weird!! I didn't know what to do!! I mean, here I was taking the Lord's Supper, and I ate my bread early. NO ONE DARES TO EAT THEIR BREAD EARLY!! YOU JUST DON'T!! I almost felt guilty for it!? That's never happened before. SO as everyone ate their bread in unison, I sat there. When they passed the juice around, I drank it at the right time. Whew...It's one of those things that you never take lightly, you know? Communion is something that I believe SHOULD be taken seriously, and I really threw myself off by eating the bread. Dear me. It's one of those things that no one talks about. It's like I should start a support group.
"Hello, my name is Leah Thomas and I ate the bread too early."

I know this seems like nonsense, and I hope it doesn't come off as any kind of blasphemous. Early Bread Consumption: It happens.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Because of J-diggidy....

1. One book that changed your life: Romans
2. One book that you’ve read more than once: Call me weird, but I don't like to read books more than once. I get bored.
3. One book you’d want on a desert island:"How to survive on a Desert Island for Dummies"
4. One book that made you laugh: "Tartuffe" by Moliere, "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" - all three in the series are wonderful-
5. One book that made you cry:"Our Town" Thornton Wilder, Any Sara Dessen book.
6. One book that you wish had been written: "1001 ways to drink a Mountain Dew"
7. One book you wish had never been written: Witchcraft/occult books..they are real.
8. One book you’re currently reading: ha,..define currently...." Not By Chance" by Layton Talbert
9. One book you’ve been meaning to read: The Berenstein Bears Go to College..also "Not By Chance" by Layton Talbert....uh, that def. of currently is what?
10. Now tag five people:hmmm... no.